Gamers Global Oath Statement

Gamers Global Oath Statement

Have good attendance! Play around couple hours a day or at least a few hours throughout the week to help us keep things stable should problems arise. Also please try to take part in admin Discord discussions relating to server development, as well as help us moderate...
Gamers Inc change to Gamers Global

Gamers Inc change to Gamers Global

*Hi Everyone* Our Gaming Organization will change from **Gamers Inc** to **Gamers Global** as of now/tonight/today. This change has been decided by the Board of Directors and CEO and is final. We will change all our servers, domains, emails, etc and everything that is...
FULL-LIFE: Game of the Century Edition

FULL-LIFE: Game of the Century Edition

You’ve played them all! – HL1, HL2, and so on and so on. But now we wait for the newest Half-Life Sequel – FULL-LIFE! This is sooooooo wrong LOL.  Why did they have to try Gordan like this!!?? Have any cool Gordon Freeman pics you want to share?...