HLDM AMX Commands for ALL GI Half-Life Admins v2.0

September 12, 2020
by [G.G.] Nimbus

AMX Commands in console

] amx_help

—– AMX Mod X Help: Commands —–

1: amx_addadmin <playername|auth> <accessflags> [password] [authtype] – add specified player as an admin to


2: amx_addban <“authid” or ip> <minutes> [reason]

3: amx_ban <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]

4: amx_banip <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason] – *** THIS IS RECCOMMENDED WAY ***

Example: amx_banip playername 0 reason (This Dr. Knows Example) – It saves to banned.cfg as


5: amx_banmenu – displays ban menu

6: amx_cancelvote – cancels last vote

7: amx_cfg <filename>

8: amx_cfgmenu – displays configs menu

9: amx_chat <message> – sends message to admins

10: amx_clcmdmenu – displays client cmds menu

—– Use ‘amx_help 11’ for more —–

11: amx_cmdmenu – displays commands menu

12: amx_csay <color> <message> – sends center hud message to all players

13: amx_cvar <cvar> [value]

14: amx_cvarmenu – displays cvars menu

15: amx_help <page> [nr of cmds (only for server)] – displays this help

16: amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason]

17: amx_kickmenu – displays kick menu

18: amx_langmenu

19: amx_last – list the last few disconnected clients info

20: amx_leave <tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]

—– Use ‘amx_help 21’ for more —–

21: amx_map <mapname>

22: amx_mapmenu – displays changelevel menu – Does it work? Will test with players…

23: amx_menu – displays menus available to client

24: amx_modules

25: amx_nick <name or #userid> <new nick> – Want to try this with ‘player’ – IT WORKS


26: amx_off – pauses some plugins

27: amx_on – unpauses some plugins

28: amx_pause – pause or unpause the game

29: amx_pausecfg – list commands for pause/unpause management

30: amx_pausecfgmenu – pause/unpause plugins with menu

—– Use ‘amx_help 31’ for more —–

31: amx_plugincmdmenu – displays the plugin command menu

32: amx_plugincvarmenu – displays the plugin cvar menu

33: amx_plugins

34: amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> – sends private message

35: amx_rcon <command line>

36: amx_reloadadmins

37: amx_say <message> – sends message to all players

38: amx_setlang <language>

39: amx_showrcon <command line>

40: amx_slap <name or #userid> [power]

—– Use ‘amx_help 41’ for more —–

41: amx_slapmenu – displays slap/slay menu

42: amx_slay <name or #userid>

43: amx_spectate

44: amx_speechmenu – displays speech menu

45: amx_statscfg – displays help for stats configuration

46: amx_statscfgmenu – displays stats configuration menu

47: amx_teammenu – displays team menu

48: amx_tsay <color> <message> – sends left side hud message to all players

49: amx_unban <“authid” or ip>

50: amx_vote <question> <answer#1> <answer#2>

—– Use ‘amx_help 51’ for more —–

51: amx_voteban <name or #userid>

52: amx_votekick <name or #userid>

53: amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]

54: amx_votemapmenu – displays votemap menu

55: amx_who – displays who is on server – Get SteamIDs – For Banning Ppl but us # 4 – amx_banip

56: amxmodmenu – displays menus

57: lc_reset Reset stats

58: say @[@|@|@][w|r|g|b|y|m|c]<text> – displays hud message

59: say currentmap – display current map

60: say ff – display friendly fire status

—– Use ‘amx_help 61’ for more —–

61: say nextmap – displays nextmap

62: say thetime – displays current time

63: say timeleft – displays timeleft

64: say_team @<text> – displays message to admins

—– Entries 61 – 64 of 64 —–

—– Use ‘amx_help 1’ for begin —–

Use ‘status’ in other HL Servers to get SteamIDs


stYlez twitch.com/cam19898:

bind amx_amxmodmenu

bind amx_changelevel

bind amx_votemapmenu

Banning on the server:

Sometimes of you cannot ban someone on the HL Game Console then you need to do on the Server on the backend. To

do this you need to have the SonicWall VPN Setup (GVC) and then be able to access the server via RDP. If you don’t

have this access please ask Stylez for permission and then I will set you up

Once youR on the server go to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve

Open banned.cfg:

ID SteamID like above like this:
Banid 0.0 STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXXXX [Use amx_who on HL Server to find the SteamID]
Save and then done. Will take effect on next map change…
To find steam ID from within the HL Game use the amx_who command and you see the list of p;ayers and their

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