Gamers Global Oath Statement

December 20, 2020
by [G.G.] Nimbus
  1. Have good attendance! Play around couple hours a day or at least a few hours throughout the week to help us keep things stable should problems arise. Also please try to take part in admin Discord discussions relating to server development, as well as help us moderate the Discord’s public channels. If worst comes to worst and you cannot play or come on Discord for longer
    periods of time, simply let us know so we don’t go wondering where you’ve gone.
  2. Warn sufficiently, ban only as a last resort! Make sure you use effective means of communication before taking action using admin commands against unruly players. It is important to make sure you warn a player sufficiently before taking action in our community, we want to give everyone a chance. Once you feel you have exhausted other means of action (warning, slay, freeze, slap, etc.) and they are still causing a disturbance, only then you may ban them. Banning is a last resort (unless they are blocking). *Granted you have the privilege to ban.
  3. Do not abuse! Record enforcement activity! Make good use of your commands ONLY to help in the cases it is needed to bring order and/or keep the server fun. No abusing powers for your own personal gain or enjoyment at the expense of others. Also remember to record ALL enforcement/moderation in the disciplinary channel of Discord so we may keep track of naughty players and admin activity. You may engage in trolling to a minimal degree as long as the server is having fun with it (no trolling using admin commands).

Blockers: You may choose between lighter means of punishment (warning, slay, kick, drunk, blind), or you may ban for up to one week’s time if you are sure the client is doing it maliciously. Blocking is a zero-tolerance offense if committed purposefully.
*Additionally, try to keep in mind that clients will often crash and get stuck in small passages while timing out, so please make sure this isn’t the case before using commands.

Voice spammers: Everyone can locally mute by clicking the name on the TAB scoreboard. Make sure to remind clients of this. Generally, if it’s low quality high pitched or just overall annoying and players make their complaints known, gag them.

If you are in doubt about how to handle a specific situation, feel free to ask other admins for assistance or advice.

…And that’s all! If you have any questions, or would like clarification, feel free to ask here or on our Discord’s #general channel.

Many people play on our server and have a good time because we are a relaxed and chill community where people can generally unwind and not have worry about some overzealous or strict admins breathing down on their necks. We want our admins to promote a fun and relaxed environment, so people aren’t afraid to enjoy themselves.

And never ever lie to your fellow admins. If you are caught in a lie or a dishonorable action against your fellow admins or the server, you will be banned from GG for life. We are a team of integrity and lovers of gaming. GG for life!

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